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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2017

Release of potassium accompanying the dissolution of rice straw phytolith

Title:  Release of potassium accompanying the dissolution of rice straw phytolith Authors:  Nguyen, Minh Ngoc Dultz, Stefan Picardal, Flynn Keywords:  Rice straw;;Phytolith;Silicon;Potassium Issue Date:  2015 Publisher:  PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND Citation:  ISIKNOWLEDGE Abstract:  In rice, Si assimilated from the soil solution is deposited in inter- and intracellular spaces throughout the leaf and stems to form silicified structures (so-called phytoliths). Because K is also present in significant concentrations in rice stems and leaves, the question arises if K is immobilized in the mineralized silica during the precipitation of Si. This work determined whether desilification of the phytolith is a factor regulating K release by implementing batch experiments. Solubility of Si and K of the rice straw heated at different temperatures were examined to identify effect of...

Distributed Event Monitoring for Software Defined Networks

Title:  Distributed Event Monitoring for Software Defined Networks Authors:  Vuong, Q. Tran, H.M. Le, S.T. Keywords:  Adaptive Semantic Filtering;Event Filtering;Event Monitoring;Software Defined Network;Syslog Issue Date:  2016 Publisher:  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Citation:  Scopus Abstract:  Software defined network separates data and control planes that facilitate network management functions, especially enabling programmable network control functions. Event monitoring is a fault management function involved in collecting and filtering event notification messages from network devices. This study presents an approach of distributed event monitoring for software defined network. Monitoring events usually deals with a large amount of event log data, log collecting and filtering processes thus require a high degree of automation and efficiency. This approach takes advantage of the OpenFlow and syslog protoco...